God of justice, Savior to all
Came to rescue the weak and the poor
Chose to serve and not to be served.
Jesus, You have called us
Freely we've received, now freely we will give
We must go, live to feed the hungry
Stand beside the broken, We must go
Stepping forward keep us from just singing
Move us into action, We must go
Fill us up and send us out...
-Tim Hughes
"LIVE to feed the hungry" struck me once as more than just words to a song, but a statement I want to make about my life's purpose.
I Will GoI will go
I will live the life
I'll give it all
for Jesus Christ
I'll tell the world
that you are God
Here am I, Here am I,
I will give all that is mine,
Here am I, Here am I,
Jesus come and spend my life.
-Jon Egan
I'll Stand
So I'll stand, with arms high and heart abandoned, in awe of the One who gave it all. So I'll stand, my soul Lord, to You surrendered, All I am is Yours.
-Joel Houston
The world is not enough for me...
You can take the world, but give me You...