Monday, July 30, 2012

Surreality turns Reality

People love to blog about their weddings, why doesn't anyone ever blog about their honeymoon?  Don't answer that...
Jon and I spent last week in Colorado hiking, white water rafting, gaining weight, and enjoying peace. It was the most relaxing week I've ever had. Let's be honest, it was probably the first time I've ever really relaxed. Even on normal vacations you can't just sleep whenever you want, turn off your phone and computer, and forget about the rest of the world. 

It was an incredible time of learning to be married, in a bubble made for two, free of conflict, free of stress, and minus the usual semi-constant barrage of "Mommy!" When he praised me once for my patience with navigating when he asked me for the same direction more than once, I realized how unnatural our honeymoon-sphere was, and hoped we were setting patterns for how we'll communicate in the future when normalcy returns.  It was so nice to simplify for a moment and let the world revolve around just the two of us. In the simplicity we were really really good. I pray that now as complexity and confusion take over, we'll have laid the groundwork for a team that treats each other really really well.
I had about one month to get used to the idea of being a mom before my fairly large bundle of joy was placed in my lap a couple years ago. But somehow it felt much less strange to be a parent even after that short adjustment period than it does to be a wife after seven months of engagement to prepare me. Nothing has ever felt so surreal as being married. For how long will we randomly look at each other and say with shock and a smile, "We're married!"?

Last night, my amazing parents brought Angie back from her week at the beach, and we began our lives as a family of three. Angie woke up a ball of nervous excitement in her new bed, we sent Daddy off to work for his first day back, and I sat down to the computer to try to get caught up and back into the swing of things.  Reality is setting in as we are settling down. But, thus far, it seems a sweet sweet reality.

 "Delight yourselves in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart." -Psalm 37:4

Friday, July 20, 2012

If I had time to blog...

Even if I had time to blog would I have the fortitude to tame my racing thoughts. If I had time to blog, what would I say?

Angie getting along fabulously with her daddy and her new cousin Ava.
I might let you know that a little someone is growing up in more ways than one.  And while her mind may be tuned to cartoons, coloring, and her dollhouse, her body is heading in another direction. The niña is becoming a señorita. In light of that mess of hormones and the chaos that has become our lives of late, we could maybe use your prayers.

I'd probably remind you that in two days I get to marry the man who makes me melt into a puddle, and not just 'cause he's ruggedly handsome, but because he loves me like Christ loved the church, and wants to keep doing that forever.

I'd likely share with you a quote by Dietrich Bonhoeffer that God put on my heart recently, “We must be ready to allow ourselves to be interrupted by God.....We must not.....assume that our schedule is our own to manage, but allow it to be arranged by God.” This is pertinent for me right now in our medium-longterm planning, as well as in every moment of the day.  And I don't think it'd be inappropriate for me to substitute the first "God" with "Angie." "I must be ready to allow myself to be interrupted by Angie." How any parent has ever survived summer break is beyond me, but with a wedding and a total absence of friends for the kiddo, the tension between her wanting my attention and me bristling at interruptions is evident, and convicting. Engagement and wedding planning have had their definite ups and downs. But this week where so many people we love are coming from around the country, and the world, to be with us for this special time, has made me appreciate the wedding tradition in spite of the huge effort it's been. I've never felt so loved as I have these past few weeks, culminating in this one.  On the other hand, I won't be terribly disappointed when we're back to the status quo.  With reason we've been uber-focused on ourselves, the foundation of our marriage, and the details of kicking it off with a bang to honor the covenant we're entering into.  But at times it's felt very us-centric, and I'm ready to get back to looking beyond ourselves in our agendas, our conversations, and our actions. 

I would definitely tell you that Amanda Gregory and Kira Spears are the most incredible party planners in the history of the world.  Among the spoiling rotten of all the bridal fun, they threw me an unbelievable shower/bachelorette party. I wish everyone could have a night as personalized and thoughtful as tonight. Every second was tailored exactly to my tastes and favorites for the past fifteen years, things even I had forgotten about myself. It was a night of nostalgia, enjoying the moment and the amazing friends I have now, yet moving into a new phase of life and family for the future. 

And finally, if I had time and the concentration required to blog I'd probably ask you for your prayers.  Please pray for Angie as she rides this roller-coaster of wedding-weekend emotions with us, but from a different perspective.  Please pray for all those who are traveling to be with us and are sharing in our events.  And pray that we can give God the glory in every festivity. If we can do that, none of it will have been in vain.

"So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God." -1 Corinthians 10:31