Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Three Years of Sweet Isaiah

For a good long stretch there I thought we were in the running for a Guinness World Record with this kiddo--Latest Kid to Start Asking "WHY?" And I was so pleased. I really thought I'd be able to post about him at 3 years and say "We made it through the 2's without the dreaded struggle of the Whys." But, alas, he started at 2 years 10 months. I'm thanking God for that little extra measure of peace around the house for that long. His inquisitiveness now isn't nearly as pestering as it could be. His curiosity can usually be satiated with a few answers, usually...

It's nice of the Lord to let us keep that bit of sanity, because we need it for the meltdowns. Breakdowns about his food being cut in half, not being able to find a missing part to a toy (don't ever give us multiple part toys, Puh-lease!), his brother touching anything, when he has to stop watching a video, his clothes hurting him, and then sometimes, of course, we have no idea why. He's a sensitive soul, or I should say he was 2. But he woke up 3 this morning, and I'm optimistic it's a new day. 3's a game changer, right?

Seriously though, when he doesn't have to share with his slobbery brother, this guy's a delight. He's starting to use his imagination, and it's adorable. He remembers the cutest things. He got two tow trucks at his party last weekend and a day or two later, he asked "Does the tow truck tuck the broken cars into the cozy service station?" a line from a book we had read weeks ago. That big head of his has a lot of information coming and going and it's all starting to fit together.

He's finally counting from 1-10 without skipping any numbers, and he's stopped leaving poor "N" out of the alphabet. This learning and discovering phase is so precious.

At his birthday party, I was praying for him before lunch. I gave him a squeeze and said, "Thank you God for this little guy..." and he loudly interrupted with the attention of all his party guests, "I'm not a little guy, I'm a big guy!" My big guy is growing up, but with each new stage there is wonder, and I'm so grateful to be along for this wild ride.

He loves to entertain his brother with Peek-a-boo!

He already loves having a big sister with pretty friends.

TRUCKS! His world revolves around trucks!

Friday, February 16, 2018

Birthday Brothers

Our boys both have February birthdays, but beyond the month they were born and the family they were born into, they don't have a whole lot in common. Well, they do both have exceptionally large heads.

Also, all three of our kids like footwear. Angie likes to buy shoes, Zy likes to wear them, and Paul likes to eat them.

That's about where the similarities stop.

When people ask about how the boys are different I sometimes refer to them as football positions. Paul’s the linebacker to Isaiah's quarterback. I second guessed myself once recognizing that it’s not fair to compare the mind of a 2 year-old to a baby. But then I remembered the first words spoken about each of them. When Isaiah was handed to me in the hospital, the nurse said “He’s so alert!” And that was repeated by strangers his whole first year of life. When Paul was born it was instantly apparent that he was strong. And that’s been said of him not only early but often. 

For the most part, Isaiah has been calm and contemplative. He goes at about 45 mph, a nice cruising speed. He’s careful and cautious about everything. He’s a clone of his daddy. And loves helping him with tools more than anything. "Daddy, do you need my help?" "Always, Buddy!" And Isaiah runs to get his tools as my heart melts over this pair.

The books Isaiah enjoyed reading in our laps at one year-old, Paul eats! This kid lives in extremes. He has the biggest smile when he sees me, and the saddest, most piercing cry when his tummy hurts. Paul is usually going 110 mph, climbing over anything that dares stand in his way. Jon says he's a Go-getter. I say, he's a bull in a china shop. In other words—he is just like his mama. 

The tide is turning around here. Squishy hugs are turning into wrestling matches. And the little guy who just wants to play with his big brother, is about to be able to hold his own. The fear mechanism that keeps Isaiah on high alert at all times, has yet to be turned on in Paul. He keeps us on our toes physically while Isaiah keeps us laughing with his antics. They are precious treasures we never would have guessed we'd enjoy so much! Thank you, Lord for these perfect gifts.

Here are a few pics to see the boys' personalities and huge adorable heads.
We didn't even need to buckle Zy, but if it's not a 5-point-harness, Paul will escape.

Sharing is a concept they've yet to master.
I told you the tides are turning.
Paul is raring to go!
Isaiah's 3!

And Paul's 1!

Friday, February 9, 2018

Resting Grump Face

My baby turns one this weekend!!!

The year's been a little tough. I've lost the baby weight plus another 15 pounds due to Paul's allergies, but he's thriving, so all the dairy, eggs, and peanuts I've forgone have been worth it.

Just this month, he's been knocking down milestones, because knocking things down is one of his favorite things to do.

All the sudden, he:

Claps - I sat him on the potty the other day and said, "If you tinkle I'll clap for you." He clapped! Didn't tinkle, but the clapping was cute enough.

Points - At a conference earlier this week, he pointed to pretty much  every animal in the exhibit hall.

More/Mas - He's getting pretty good at signing for a little bit more food. It must be confusing that we're trying to teach him sign language, Spanish, and English for the same concept, but he'll figure it out.

Drinks out of a sippy cup - This one is huge for us as we thought Isaiah might go to college nursing. It's an important step toward weaning and my freedom to eat all the foods again.

Swallows more food - Since he started solids, most of them have come back out. He mashes things up a bit, gets all the good juices and flavors, then just pushes them right back out. But Jon noticed that we're seeing less return than we used to. Maybe he's finally getting the hang of this tricky eating process. Another step in the right direction toward weaning.

Peek-a-Boo - Oh my goodness! Angie taught Isaiah to play Peek-a-Boo with Paul when he cries, which almost always works to snap Paulie out of whatever upset him. But now Paul has started doing the hiding as well. It's the CUTEST thing, his smile melts me...

A Few of his Faves

Song - "Jesus Loves Me," he really does prefer it.

Pastime - Antagonizing his big brother by trying to play with him, which means putting Isaiah’s toys in his mouth or knocking them over.

Hobby - Climbing (his second birthday party definitely needs to be at a rock climbing gym)

Lovey - His Lamby Wubanub - "Baa Baa"

Place - Mommy's arms, all hours of the day and night.

Snack - Teddy Grahams, he's not allergic to them and he can usually swallow them!

Meal - Just like the rest of the family - Taco Night

In case anyone was worried the name "Paul" might not have enough nicknames to choose from, here are the alternatives we call him regularly.



Baby Paul




The Wog

And here are the names Isaiah calls him: 

Paul.E.Wog.Y Charles


Slobbery Guy

He hasn't traveled as much as his brother had at this age, but he's still made it around a bit.

States he's Visited:


And finally, what you really came here for, his claim to fame, his hashtag #RGF.

The Resting Grump Faces:
The original Resting Grump Face
RGF meets the ocean for the first time.
That lower lip tho!

Not impressed with the Eclipse, even in totality.

Not the typical RGF, but too cute not to add.

How he feels about Christmas family pictures.
Blue Steel

Friends, he really is not a grumpy guy. Paul is the sweetest, mostly chill and happy baby. As long as you're not trying to hold him still or keep him from his mama, he'll be cool. We love him to pieces, and can't wait to see what God has in store for this next chapter!