Saturday, October 29, 2011

One Year Ago...

One year ago today, I went to a lawyer for an innocent consult. Wondering if as an unmarried foreigner, not yet a "national" of Bolivia, could I legally adopt a child? Less than an hour later I left his office nearly hyperventilating. Turns out I could, and I'd be a mom by Christmas. No nine months of gestation to get used to the idea, decorate her room, or finish off my single-person "bucket list." But fortunately, I don't have bucket lists, the room was pretty much ready, and I'm not very contemplative.

Today, as we spend our Saturday doing homework projects and rocking babies, I'm ruminating on all that I've learned this year. For instance:

- I had no idea that good hair comes straight from God, not from a bottle. Of all the hair product options out there, Angie doesn't use a single one of them and her mane is always gorgeous. I can barely get her to shower more than twice a week, but no matter, perfection can't be damaged by poor hygiene. She brushes it in the morning and I envy her all day long.

- In Bolivia parents have homework too. Literally. Ange comes home with projects that say, "Para Padre o Madre." Really, you want me to design a poster about the endangered giant frog of Lake Titicaca? Excuse me, why do I need to decorate this huge parrot and cheetah, again? I'm still not sure how they will punish me if I don't do my assignments, but I'm afraid only Angie will suffer, so I usually comply.

- A nine-year old could teach me so much. She's taught me how to cook rice the Bolivian way. All about head lice. That these chickens in the picture poked their own heads through the plastic on the roof of this car (I was baffled by how the owner had poked breathing holes in the tarp.) And how resilient a person can be after serious trauma, huge changes, and great challenges. She's a trooper.

- Finally, I've learned just how weak I was when I thought I was so strong. But I've come to believe as God told us that through Him all things are possible.
-Matthew 19:26

Monday, October 24, 2011

Baby Update

God is just as good as we thought He was, and even if her surgery hadn't gone so smoothly, we would trust that all the same.

I posted a status on Facebook about little Jackie's heart success, but I can barely keep up with my own Facebook page so I couldn't expect you all to.

One week ago this morning, Jackie's heart was healed, and through the long life of this miracle child we hope that many more hearts will also come to a place of healing in Christ Jesus.

She was abandoned by her mother at birth due to her cleft lip and palate, I'm note even sure if her heart condition was known at that time. Doctor after doctor told Paul and Kristin (the couple running the baby home) that this little "unwanted" child was not worth the tests, treatments, surgeries and care that her life would require. But they disagreed. They knew her value was found in her Father's eyes, not in the world's. Thus, they fought for her, and they're winning.

Since the surgery, her newly revamped circulatory system has been carrying oxygen to all of her tissues like Santa on Christmas Eve. Her color is visibly pinker. Her energy is up. Her strength is already improving. Her appetite's impressive. And the spirit of the baby home is almost giddy in spite of the sleepless nights and busy days caused by a week of keeping Baby J in isolation.

This morning she had her one-week re-check with the cardiologist, who was so impressed with her turnaround that she called in the mother of another potential heart surgery patient to calm her nerves by showing her how well Jackie was progressing. Her lungs are improving after building up a bit of congestion from lying still all the time after the surgery. A quick echocardiogram showed everything in its proper place. And the physical therapist turns out to be a Christian so he charged only a cup of coffee in return for his services.
Now if we can just get the idea that we're gonna adopt Jaqueline out of Angie's head, everything will be perfect... Thank you so much for your prayers!

(Photos: Top - Jackie one week post-op. Middle - the newest arrival to the baby home. Bottom - another adorable recent arrival.)

"God judges persons differently than humans do. Men and women look at the face; God looks into the heart."
-1 Samuel 16:7 TM (just bumped into this verse this morning)

Sunday, October 16, 2011

A Precious Little One in Need of Prayer

Judah Quy, Home for Precious Little Ones, is the baby home of my pastor and his wife. With only five children of their own they felt, as wouldn't we all, that they just didn't have enough chaos in their lives, or maybe more likely that they still had more love to give, and thus followed the Lord's call to open a home for sick babies. They opened their doors in February with the quick arrival of three precious little ones. Two adorable toddlers with HIV and one sweet baby with a complicated list of problems to be unravelled through months of medical care. The most troubling of her issues being a hole in her heart that had limited her to 6.6 pounds at one year of age when she arrived, and now after 9 months of hardcore love and care from the caregivers at the home she still weighs in at less than 9 pounds. She's grown in strength, personality, vitality, and length, but her little broken heart just can't do any better.
Here she is waving to you yesterday as she rested peacefully during a great party in her honor. The staff at the home and volunteers from the church put together a lovely fundraiser lunch to contribute to her medical bills.
And now after a long winding road of tests, treatments, growth, and healing little Jaqueline is ready for her surgery. The urinary infections have cleared up, the seizures are completely controlled, a number of dangerous syndromes have been ruled out, and complicating chest congestion as a side effect from her cleft lip and palate are nowhere to be found. She's ready. We're ready. The doctor's are ready. Tonight, she'll be admitted for her open heart surgery to be performed tomorrow morning. All that's left to do is pray.

Will you pray with us that little Jackie is healed? That her heart is mended by the hands that formed it in her mother's womb. That the physical hole will be perfectly sealed, just as the emptiness of abandonment has been filled with the love of so many. And pray that God will start speaking to the hearts of her future parents He chose long ago to choose her.
She has amazed her pediatrician with her physical improvement against all odds. She has awed us all with her sweet stubborn refusal to give up. She has shown everyone that love is a better medicine than any man has created. And now she will demonstrate God's mercy and power through her recovery. We trust that He has great plans for this little miracle.

"Before I shaped you in the womb, I knew all about you.
Before you saw the light of day, I had holy plans for you"
-Jeremiah 1:5

Praise: Since the opening of the home 9 months ago, one of the little tykes with HIV has been adopted by an incredible missionary couple with an empty nest here in Santa Cruz. He's the cute little guy standing up in the car behind Angie and Jackie in the top picture. And two more precious little ones have arrived at the home to replace him. It doesn't look likely that there will ever be a quiet moment around there.

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Dangly Earrings

When do you let your kids grow up? More specifically, when do you let your beautiful little girls start looking like gorgeous young women? Okay, what I really need to know is at what age do you let your daughters start wearing dangly earrings? If it were up to me of course, she'd still have the unpunctured ears God gave her, but she came to me pierced, and begging for earrings. So after 6 months I gave in and bought her some little stars for her birthday. But one pair of earrings only keeps one content for so long. So today at Cristo Viene Girls' Home's anniversary fair she just had to have some new ones, the problem was there wasn't a single pair of little studs, and dangly earrings just make her look all fancy and grown up, and I don't like it! But it was for a good cause, and everyone else gets their kids' ears pierced at 3 months old, so I caved.
I don't really identify with the moms who feel like time is flying by and it seems like just yesterday they were looking into their now toddler's little face for the first time. Ange and I have been together for nine months and it feels like about nine months. And I'm not too worried about her moving up into 3rd grade or having to buy her new used clothes like this skort we just got her on Thursday. I think what I am worried about is boys, and back-talking, and popularity, and vanity, and did I mention boys.

This week we were at a restaurant with a TV blaring music videos. Which interested Angie very much and made me very glad we don't have television and very empathetic toward my parents who didn't let us watch MTV growing up. After Beyonce's third nearly-naked video Angie asked, "Isn't she embarrassed to walk around like that?" Lord, please don't let her lose that modesty, please.

During her week of quarantine, other than replacing the clothes she's been outgrowing, she also learned a lot of English. We have two more months to practice before her English entrance exam into SCCLC, the English speaking missionary kid school, for next semester. So pray that we can keep improving as much as we did this week even though she starts class again tomorrow. As my director says, we don't want to let school get in the way of her education.