Thursday, June 11, 2009

Spoiled Rotten

For the past two days I've had the pleasure and honor of hosting my last, and possibly most cherished, out of town guests of the many many that have passed through my burgeoning tourism company this year. My dear grandparents may tell you they've been spoiled by being chauffeurred around three cities and countless historic sites, with breaks for fresh seafood, but they'd have it backwards, as I'm the one who's been spoiled nearly rotten by the perfect combination of love, hugs, and ice cream! Their selflessness and generosity have been two of the biggest influences toward my own desire to share what I have with others. And their philosophy of extreme bargain hunting for yourself so you can spare almost no expense on others has impacted my spending habits more than they'll ever know.
I also had the treat of sharing the grandparents with my wonderful friend Brooke for an evening while she was in town to house hunt. Unserendipitously, she's moving to town the same month I'm leaving it. I'm terribly disappointed that I won't get to call Delmarva home with her, but a bit relieved that I'm leaving the area in such good hands! Brooke is also one of the most giving and caring people I've ever known. What a luxury it's been to bask in all of this kindness! I sure hope some of it has rubbed off on me.
"The generous will prosper; those who refresh others will themselves be refreshed." -Proverb 11:25


Unknown said...

Yes, you're walking in some big footsteps there! Keep up the great work -


Dan Wiggins said...

Enjoyed reading the adventures of you and you grandparents.