Monday, September 15, 2008


How to quantify a win for Mosaic’s launch?

  • I could tell you how diverse our first congregation was.
  • I could tell you that we had no children in need of parents during the service, in fact we had some cry when they had to leave their children’s ministry.
  • Or that the Southeast Christian Church mission team made it possible for every Mosaic volunteer to attend the service, instead of taking care of the kiddos.
  • People were singing with Josh and the band.
  • People were laughing with Carl, he even got a few “Amen”s, which he had no idea what to do with.
  • I could share that we had at least one person from every form of advertising that our summer mission teams helped us with.
  • I could say that people were so compelled by the service and convinced of our expertise that they thought it was intentional when we blew a circuit and the projector went out in the middle of the sermon.
  • I could use the more traditional measuring stick of numbers and tell you that we had 186 people in attendance and over 100 of them were people we didn’t know.
  • Or I could tell you that people indicated on their communication cards that they were interested in small groups, membership, service, and Jesus!
  • But what I really think is important is that I couldn’t stop smiling and praising God the whole day. He was truly worshipped with our love poured out through Mosaic and glorified by our sharing His name.

-Video thanks Dan Skinner and Carl Kuhl

“This is the day that the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it.” Psalm 118:24

1 comment:

Unknown said...


9:30 a.m. on Sunday at the Muvico had to be the best hour of the week in Hanover!