Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Cupcakes and Friends

A couple weeks ago while traveling through Potosí and Sucre, I was acutely reminded that I have missed an entire winter. It's been a year and a half since I've felt real cold, and now, like those Californians that I used to mock, I've become a wimp. I could barely control my shivering when it dipped down below fifty degrees. And now even back in Santa Cruz when we have a cold front I've resorted to drinking tea and coffee, two substances I've avoided for three decades, to stay warm in my heat-less office. Yesterday, was the first day of winter here in the Southern half of the world, and I spent quite a bit of it outside in my hammock, but I did have to retrieve a blanket to prevent frostbite from the 65 degree chill.
The winter solstice provided us with a new holiday as it is also the Aymara New Year, and in tolerance of every indigenous religion Bolivia may start having many many days off. The three day weekend allowed me time to have amazing conversations with some lovely friends I haven't spent nearly enough time with in the past, Kim, Adreana, the Hoffmans, my new friends the Adjei's, and my women's Bible study from the vet school.

Carrying out one of my top three life initiatives for making the world a better place -- the other two of course being sharing Christ's love and neutering all small animals -- Saturday I had three amigas and three of their sons over for a cupcake making workshop! At my birthday party a couple months ago, they became quite smitten with the strawberry with strawberry icing variety, and although it is not among the simpler of my recipes I could not deny them when they asked to learn how to create these rare treats themselves. Cupcakes have yet to take off in South America, but don't worry I won't let that problem linger for long.

I'm really enjoying so many relationships recently, but these ladies are the Bolivians that have received me the most warmly, even when they comment on how my Spanish is progressing or not, I always feel at ease with them. This weekend we're heading out to see Toy Story 3 in 3D! But first I have another holiday to celebrate tonight, El Dia de San Juan, all I know is that we have bonfires and roast hotdogs, and I'm bringing the marshmallows...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So sorry about the cold snap! Wish we were there :0. Good to hear you're making some Bolivian friends, who enjoy cupcakes!
