Sunday, July 4, 2010

A Really Beautiful Day

Talita Cumi Children's Home wanted to create one of those memories from childhood that you cherish forever. I think they probably succeeded. During the short winter break from school, they put together a World Cup Championship of miniature yet magnificent proportions. Six countries were represented, each thoroughly researched by its players as to its location, local music, traditional food, and other relevant details. Other than pure fun, the intent of the occasion was to teach the kids about other countries and train them in teamwork and sportsmanship. In preparation for the big day teams were formed, flags were created, jerseys selected, and pom-poms fashioned.
As the sound system blared -- the never to be erased from anyone's mental soundtrack -- Waka-Waka and Wavin' Flag, thirty little painted faces took the field for a parade-style opening ceremonies, no less memorable than the more well known event held in South Africa just weeks ago. A tiny dragon mascot made an appearance, puppies disrupted every part of the day, a lot of soccer was played, and a fabulous time was had by all. At the end of the very fairly played double elimination tournament Holland walked away with the Cup, which strangely enough may foreshadow the "real" finale next weekend...

Taking advantage of the same winter break we took our university Bible study students out to a poor rural Guaraní community, Pueblo Nuevo. It was a perfect afternoon to get to know the people of the area. The students got to practice their veterinary skills on the local dogs, some of our team practiced their fledgling Guaraní, and I, of course, practiced my balloon animals, even attempting upon request to make an airplane, fail. But the hats and swords, which each child insisted they needed at least two
of, were a huge success. I'm now very adept at saying, "you only have two hands you don't need more than two swords," in Spanish, maybe on our next trip I'll learn to say it in Guaraní. Our hope is to return regularly, our next visit may be as early as two weeks from now, to build our friendship, treat some more dogs, give a workshop on chickens, teach them why they should spay and neuter their pets, and continue to share the most important message; Christ's love.


Emily said...

YOU'RE AWESOME! Sounds wonderful.

Oh the phrases we never thought we'd need to learn...

I love you so much!!

Unknown said...

What great experiences - glad you got to be a part of both of them! You all are really making a difference -
